David's Custom Seven Axiom SLX Disc

Seven Axiom SLX Disc


Custom Seven Axiom SLX Disc

We love clients like David, who are on a mission with a vision. David is a perfectionist with a gifted aesthetic eye. Everything on this stunning bike was conceived and planned by David, right down to the specific Pantone shade that was finely judged for its relationship to both shadows and David's existing gorgeous Robin Mather (below). We know that this bike will undertake tens of thousands of miles because it replaces a Serotta that was only retired after ten years because David was knocked off it. It is an immense pleasure to see a bike this finely judged.


What our clients say

  • "A highly personalized and very friendly service, giving good advice and adjustments that are helpful whatever level of cyclist you are."



  • "Rode my standard Box Hill loop this morning with the temp shims and more thought to position. Felt more connected and compact on the bike. Fastest ride of the year, picked up close to a km/per hour despite crappy wet pot holed roads, a ton of traffic and a couple of nights out Thu/Fri."

    Matt H

    Seven Evergreen SL

  • "I have been able to ride every day since the fit. So far I have had no pain which feels like a miracle!"

    Neilson Powless

    Professional Cyclist - Education First - Easypost

  • "Honestly these are great (custom orthotics). My feet feel totally balanced and stable and I‘m not searching for the pedal when I want to push it. They’ve made a massive difference.”"

    Tom Pidcock

    Olympic MTB Gold Medallist

  • "A great service, full of personal touches as well as the "harder" scientific analysis of my position on the bike, which was also excellent. I feel more planted on the bike now, and came away with some really useful feedback from the session."

    Ed H

    London Dynamo Rider