The London Academy - Update

Happy Head Happy Legs - London Academy mid-season report

Posted by Philip Cavell

"Happy Head Happy Legs"

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"The ability of these riders to pick each other up and celebrate every success gives me a lot of hope in women’s cycling and reminds me why I’m pouring so much time into this"

Sarah King - Team Principal

Hello, Sarah here...

Sarah King - Team Principal Speaks

We’re almost 3 months into the racing season and I feel like we’ve covered so much in that time already.

It’s true that the season is starting earlier, but this time it’s not just one odd race that’s early it’s been back-to-back racing every weekend.

3 rounds of the National Road, Team Cup and Proper Northern Series complete, plus a load more. It’s time to step back for a second, reflect and then get going for the second part of the season.


Iona and Esme at Crystal Palace

"We’re almost three months into the racing season and I feel like we’ve covered so much in that time already"

Sarah King - Team Principal

Racing Highlights

Sav Morgan won the London Dynamo Spring Road Race - she out-sprinted a breakaway group of 5!

Katy Hill placed 16th and 21st at the last 2 rounds of the National Elite Road Series, not something to ignore with almost 120 starters and most of the top 30 made up of riders from UK Continental teams.

Sasha Dyke finished up 3rd overall in the Proper Northern Series, in her first year of racing no less. Then we’re sat 5th team (out of 23) in the Team Cup Series. A series that’s incredibly important to developing road racing in the UK and so we’ve entered 2 teams into this year so that everyone gets a chance to race at National B level.

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Lucy at Lincoln GP

"I have genuinely watched everyone start their season with huge positives"

Sarah King - Team Principal

All For One & One For All!

Of course, it’s impossible for me to single out every rider in a team of 20 (I would love to), but I have genuinely watched everyone start their season with huge positives.

They might initially disagree, then they think about it, stop comparing themselves to everyone else and realise there’s so many little things that have been achieved (try it).

When it's good AND when it isn't

You only need to be in our group chat to see the support and encouragement everyone gives each other, especially when it’s going good and even more importantly when it’s not.

The ability of these riders to pick each other up and celebrate every success gives me a lot of hope in women’s cycling and reminds me why I’m pouring so much time into this.

These riders are doing it all!

Whether it’s getting round another lap of Crystal Palace in the front group, learning how to leave it all out there or being brave enough to move up the bunch for the final kick. These riders are doing it all.

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Sasha after bunch-sprint at March Hare

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Sasha in Cyclefit session in the off-season

"With comfort and confidence as important as getting that aero efficient position"

Sarah King - Team principal

Cyclefit Standing By!

Amongst all this, the team at Cyclefit have been bike fitting, insole moulding and saddle pressure mapping all riders. With comfort and confidence as important as getting that aero efficient position (more on this soon I am sure).

Riders have been getting to know their mentors and we get out to ride with each as much as we can. It’s non-stop, that’s bike racing.

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Katy on the climb at Lincoln GP

One last Thing

One last thing. I know the Giro and the football is taking over the headlines at the moment, but there’s so many good things bubbling under the surface in our domestic women’s scene that you should take note of.

Two Things

Two things I’ve loved seeing recently? Watching the pure joy from Lucy Harris of Loughborough Lightning take the Leaders jersey at the National Road Series, being truly honest about what it means to her and the local Femme Fidem crew bringing together their first club ride and racing alongside us at the last Team Cup. It’s all getting more women racing bikes.

Ride The Palace

If you’d like to catch us racing in and around London we’ll be at (more like taking over) Crystal Palace crits every Tuesday night at 7pm and out in force at the VIA Crit at King Cross on the 22nd June. Otherwise, catch up with everything over on our Instagram.


Pictures by Andy and Craig

Team Cup Series:


About the author

Philip Cavell, Co-founder

Co-founder, bike fitter and bike designer, author. Phil rides a Seven Axiom XX custom titanium bike and an Airnimal Joey folding bike. He wrote The Midlife Cyclist and enjoys walking his dog, reading, politics and the outdoors. Phil's specialism is working with clients who have complex and frequently chronic issues. Phil is most at home working in a collegiate, multi-disciplinary team, to help clients resolve intricate issues.

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